After spring without rainfall and flooding in May, Poland experiences a period of drought. This problem does not only concern us, it is also faced by our neighbouring countries.

In Lithuania, the Wilia River almost disappeared due to the drought-related disaster. Due to the water scarcity, not only crops but also milk and meat sectors are endangered – said Lithuanian Minister of Agriculture, Giedrius Surplys, emphasising that “significant economic losses are envisaged”. The Lithuanian department of agriculture estimates that ca. 40% of crops will be lost due to prolonged drought. The information is provided by Belsat.eu portal.

In our country, the drought is a growing problem. The experts observe that the hydrological situation related to the climate change has been changing very dynamically in the last few years. A month ago, the water gauge on the Vistula (Boulevards) showed 6 m. Currently, it shows only 63 cm!
“The water management in Poland is based on the sustainable development; it is necessary to respond appropriately to changing conditions, in accordance with its framework,” emphasises Przemysław Daca, President of State Water Holding Polish Waters. The measures are based on the comprehensive and expert approach.

Polish Waters are currently working on the plan for counteracting the effects of drought. The document builds on the thorough scientific analyses based on different types of data – meteorological, geological and hydrological data. The work effects will include very specific guidelines for particular regions in Poland. The municipalities will be provided with recommendations concerning, i.a. the need to create small reservoirs retaining rain water, construction of reserve intakes (of groundwaters) and other solutions aimed at preventing the drought or reducing its effects. Important points in the catalogue of measures include recommendations for agriculture, such as crops resistant to drought, or guidelines on the increase in water retention in soil, including drainage, irrigation and drainage ditches. The plan for counteracting the effects of drought also includes recommendations related to the educational activities addressed to children, young people and adult citizens of local communities. Already on 15 August, the plan will be subject to public consultations which will take place in 15 Polish cities in six months. For more information on this subject visit: stopsuszy.pl

We invite everyone to co-create the plan for counteracting the effects of drought.

The plan for counteracting the effects of drought will be adopted by Ordinance of Minister competent for water management. The plan is updated not less frequently than every six years.

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