Plan to prevent the effects of drought in river basin districts is accompanied by information and consultation measures. Please find below the most important events and activities.
The website is the basic source of information about the project followed by news related to its implementation and environmental issues combating the effects of drought and adaptation to climate change. Information about the project is also published on the Polish Waters website and other social media.
During campaign Stop drought! videos were produced to promote the Project, as well as short videos featuring the Ambassador to accompany the consultation meetings.
During the project, among other things, lesson plans on drought topics were developed for teachers. In addition, a range of information and educational materials were developed.
In the course of the project, 4 conferences were planned. The first one was held in Warsaw on 27 September 2017, and was dedicated to the exchange of information, concepts and experiences to develop a methodology for creating a drought plan. The next one was organised on 22 March 2019 at the University of Warsaw Library in the city of Warsaw. The third conference was held on 18 June in Bydgoszcz, and the fourth conference, which summarises the project, was organised on 6 October 2020 in an online format. Materials from each conference can be downloaded under the ‘Downloads’ tab.
A public consultation on the Draft PPSS was held from 15 August 2019 to 15 February 2020.
This was followed by a public consultation on the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Draft Drought Plan from 25 May 2020 to 24 June 2020.
All information and promotion activities are supported by the Ambassador of the project Stop drought! – the well-known and well-liked actor Łukasz Nowicki, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. His stays in Africa have strengthened his conviction that more and more action is needed to ensure the universal availability of water. The project ambassador has taken part in national conferences, conducted lessons for children and young people, supported and encouraged participation in the Stop Drought! on FB, took part in a film promoting the project and supported the “Remember about water” campaign.
The competition was held from 18 – 30 September 2019. Online voting for the submitted videos ran until 15 December 2019 and the Competition was adjudicated on 15 January 2020. The aim of running the competition was to engage water users at a local level by presenting ways to save water.
Information posters are also a source of information about the PPSS and it’s financing from the Cohension Fund under the Operational Programme infrastructure and Environment. Posters can be downloaded from our website.