The Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 is the largest program financed from European funds in Poland. As part of the program, tasks will be implemented in the fields of: low-emission economy, environmental protection, counteracting and adapting to climate change, transport and energy security, health protection and cultural heritage.
Goal of the Program is to support an economy that uses resources efficiently and is environmentally friendly and fosters territorial and social cohesion.
The “Development of plans to prevent the effects of drought in river basin districts” project implemented under Action 2.1 Adaptation to climate change together with securing and increasing resistance to acts of God, in particular natural disasters and environmental monitoring priority axis II – Environmental protection, including adaptation to climate change of the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 is another step, after the plans being developed for individual water regions, to prepare Poland to climate change and the risk of drought.
The planned period of implementation: years 2016-2020
Project No.: POIS.02.01.00-00-0015/16
For more information about the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment, go to (link):
For more information about the projects carried out as part of European funds, go to (link):