The public consultations on the environmental impact assessment of the drought effects counteracting plan (DECP) have come to an end. They constitute the final accent of the whole consultation process for this document. The process was preceded by six-month consultations on the DECP project, which lasted from 15 August 2019 to 15 February 2020.

Everyone had the opportunity to take part in it and to submit proposals and comments to the draft document. 15 consultation meetings were held in Poland. Pursuant to the delegated legislation, public consultations on the DECP project were announced by the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation. The report from the public consultations on the DECP project together with the status of consideration of proposals and comments is published on the following website:

The national Stop Drought! conference planned for the autumn will constitute the summary of the DECP preparation. Works will formally culminate in the adoption of the DECP project by way of a regulation of the Minister of Water Management, planned for the end of 2020. The DECP is, together with water management plans and flood risk management plans, a strategic planning document for the water management in Poland. On the basis of this project, actions aimed at minimising the effects of drought have been conducted in Poland