On the Word Water Day- nationwide conference Stop the drouth!

Word Water Day is traditionally an opportunity to draw attention to the most important issues in the area of water management in Poland. It will be no different this year. On March 22 in the Library of the University of Warsaw over 100 experts will discuss one of the growing problems- the phenomenon of drought in Poland. The topic of the nationwide conference Stop the Drought! will present the issues of the drought prevention plan (PPSS). This is the first such a comprehensive project of activities in this field in our country.

World Water Day is celebrated this year under the slogan ,,Leaving no one behind” (Pl. Nie pozostawiając nikogo w tyle). On this day, we want to draw attention to the problem of drought. It is one of the most severe and difficult to counteract natural phenomena affecting the environment, economy and society.  Experts stress: this is a natural phenomenon and it is impossible to prevent it effectively. However, it is up to each country to minimise the effects of drought. PGW Wody Polskie is working on the first national plan to counteract the effects of drought in Poland.

At the nationwide conference Stop the drought! The status of works on the PPSS will be presented. Among other things, a comprehensive identification of the drought pheomenon will be carried out, divided into its individual types. Drought- sensitive areas will also be presented- first results of the PPSS survey among 3.5 thousand stakeholders. The discussion will also include a broader context- global climate change, with which Poland is also struggling.

Agenda nationwide conference Stop the drouth!

The preparation of the drouth prevention plan is the responsibility of the President of Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie as defined by art. 240 par. 2 p.8 of the act as of July 20 th – Water Law (Journal of Laws 2018, item 2268 with later changes). The presentation of the draft plan will be based on national conferences and half- yearly social consultation, which will start in mid-2019. All work financed by European founds will be finalised by the end of 2020.

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