Drought is one of the most serious natural phenomena that can have catastrophic consequences for the environment, agriculture, and economy. Simply put, it is a long-term shortage of rainfall, which leads to a disruption of the water balance. However, drought does not always look the same – we can distinguish four main types, which often occur one after another.
Tag Archives: climate change
The hydrological year, covering the period from November 1st to October 31st of the following year, is used to analyze the full cycle of water circulation in nature. This division takes into account autumn and winter rainfall and snowfall, which are stored in the environment, as well as spring thaw, which determines river flows, groundwater levels, and the retention capacity of land areas.
We are all familiar with the images from Christmas cards of children making a snowman, throwing snowballs at each other or sledging on Christmas Eve morning. However, these drawings have long ceased to reflect reality. In recent years, snow at Christmas has become something exceptional, unheard of. It is all due to climate change. How does it affect the environment during winter?