
Mateusz Banasiuk becomes the ambassador of the “Stop the Drought! Start Retention!” campaign

As an ambassador of the campaign, Mateusz will support educational activities, promoting knowledge about water protection and retention in Poland.

Drought and snow – will climate change deprive us of a white Christmas?

We are all familiar with the images from Christmas cards of children making a snowman, throwing snowballs at each other or sledging on Christmas Eve morning. However, these drawings have long ceased to reflect reality. In recent years, snow at [...]

“Stop the Drought! Start Retention!” Polish Waters update the Drought Effects Counteracting Plan

The update of the Drought Effects Counteracting Plan (uDECP) aims to update the assessment of areas at risk of drought, as well as to review the directions of action proposed in the DECP.

COP29 – The Climate Change Conference

The United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP (Conference of the Parties), is one of the most important and largest international meetings devoted to combating climate change.

A contract has been signed to review and update the DECP

On Wednesday, August 7, 2024, Mateusz Balcerowicz - Deputy President of the State Water Holding Polish Waters signed a contract to implement the project "Review and update of the Drought Effects Counteracting Plan" (uDECP).

June 17 – Desertification and Drought Day

This year, the theme for Desertification and Drought Day is “United for Land: Our Legacy. Our Future.” It draws attention to the future of land management – our most precious resource that provides stability and prosperity to billions of people [...]

World Wetlands Day – 2 February 2024

The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat, also known as the Ramsar Convention, was signed in Ramsar on February 2 1971. To date, 172 countries have become its members, designating 2,503 wetlands of of international importance.

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