World Water Day and drought

Stop suszy Start retencji 22 marca Światowy dzień wody

In 1992, in Rio de Janeiro, the UN General Assembly declared March 22 World Water Day to draw special attention to the importance of water in societies’ lives. Water is essential for life, the basis of health and hygiene, and the foundation of agriculture, industry, and the economy.

The theme of this year’s World Water Day celebrations is protecting glaciers.

Melting glaciers and drought in Poland

Glaciers play a key role in the global water system, as they are natural reserves of freshwater that feed rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. With rising temperatures and increasingly intense droughts, protecting them is becoming a priority to ensure access to drinking water and irrigation in many regions of the world. The scale of glacier melting is causing concern among researchers around the world. The steady rise in temperatures due to climate change is rapidly reducing the ice sheet. With periods of no rainfall becoming more frequent and longer, the loss of glaciers is becoming a serious threat to many communities that rely on these resources for drinking water and irrigation. Rising sea levels, caused by the melting of continental glaciers (ice sheets), have serious consequences for the availability of freshwater, especially on islands and low-lying areas. The rise in sea level leads to the salinization of groundwater, which is the main source of drinking water for many islands. Freshwater, which was previously available from underground reservoirs, is becoming increasingly polluted by seawater, which makes its use difficult.

Although Poland is not directly exposed to the effects of melting glaciers, this problem is also important for us. Climate change, which is causing glaciers to melt around the world, is affecting the global hydrological cycle, changing precipitation patterns and water distribution in different regions. In Poland, we can feel these changes in the form of, among others, more frequent and more intense periods of drought. At the same time, the reduction of water resources in other parts of the world may affect international water supply systems and access to water in the future. Protecting glaciers and taking action to limit climate change are therefore also important from the perspective of Poland.

Let’s save the glaciers!

How can we protect the glaciers? First of all, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. One of the most effective ways is to reduce energy consumption, for example, by using household appliances more efficiently, such as energy-saving light bulbs and devices. The next step is to change your style of transport – switching to cycling, hiking, or choosing public transport instead of cars. Another important action is to support renewable energy sources, which are more ecological and friendly to our planet. Additionally, reducing food waste, which leads to greenhouse gas emissions, and choosing local and seasonal products also have a big impact on reducing the carbon footprint. Every step, even the smallest, towards a sustainable lifestyle contributes to protecting the glaciers and our planet and mitigating the effects of drought.

World Water Day and drought

Drought has become an inseparable element of contemporary reality. In recent years, due to climate change, we have heard a lot about water deficits, drying up springs, and increasingly high record temperatures. This phenomenon is no longer a problem of the distant future or distant countries – it is happening now, before our eyes, also in Poland. In many places in our country, we can experience difficulties with access to water, especially in the summer, when high temperatures persist for a long time. But drought is not only the domain of summer – we also see it in winter, in the form of, among others, increasingly smaller snow cover, which during periods of thaw does not allow for the reconstruction of surface and groundwater resources, i.e. deepening summer droughts.

Drought often creeps inconspicuously. We have long periods of beautiful high-pressure weather, lots of sun, and high temperatures. Because of this, we do not realize that it is already coming. And when drought does occur, it is easy to notice its effects around us. They have different faces, from reduced water consumption, through dried grass and dying trees, low water levels, to high food prices. They do not only concern our domestic products. After all, the times when food was provided by small local farms are long gone. Now, not only the whole of Poland but also the world, provide us with fresh food. However, it may turn out that the lack of droughts in our immediate surroundings will not save us from the negative consequences of the lack of rainfall many kilometers away, resulting in, among other things, the lack of our favorite products on the shelves.

Since drought is a problem that we are struggling with here and now, it is worth considering how we use water in our lives. By taking conscious action, we can help reduce the negative effects of drought. Through reducing water waste and increasing retention, the effects of drought will be less noticeable to us.

All hands on deck!

In order to effectively protect glaciers and counteract the effects of drought, it is obvious that a number of systemic solutions must be introduced. But on a micro scale, each of us can also help. Every action we take to reduce water consumption will contribute to improving the state of the environment. Apart from the purely natural aspect, such action will simply allow us to save money. And with the money saved, we will be able to afford additional pleasures.

Want to help, but don’t know how? We’re here to help.

  • Here are some easy ways to save water in your everyday life!
  • Water your plants with collected rainwater! This ecological and free solution will help increase retention.
  • Use economical irrigation systems in your gardens! Drip irrigation significantly reduces water loss.
  • Shop consciously and wisely! Buying products that end up in the trash after a short time is not only unecological but also unprofitable. Try to limit buying unnecessary things.
  • Choose a short shower instead of a long bath! We use up to 100 liters more water when bathing in a bathtub!
  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth! This will save up to 10 liters of water a day!
  • Use eco-friendly washing and dishwashing programs! Many appliances are being upgraded to save water and energy even more effectively.
  • Don’t delay fixing a leaky tap or toilet! Even a small leak can cause big losses over the course of a year.
  • Educate! Learn as much as you can about saving water and inform others about it, while also setting an example of good practice.
  • Get involved! There are many local environmental events. Join the river and lake clean-up campaign and support environmental organizations.

We should all celebrate World Water Day by setting water-saving goals.

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