The objective of the document

The update of the Drought Effects Counteracting Plan aims to update the assessment of areas at risk of drought, as well as to revise the proposed directions of action to counteract the effects of drought. An important element of the update will also be the inclusion of EC guidelines regarding the requirements for national documents in the field of drought risk management.

The main objective of the document itself is to indicate ways to counteract the effects of drought through:

  • effective management of water resources – increasing available water resources
  • increasing water retention
  • education on the phenomenon of drought and coordination of activities in this area
  • creating mechanisms for implementing and financing activities

The uDECP Project, after agreements, will be subject to nationwide, six-month public consultations planned for the first half of 2026. The implementation of the activities included in the uDECP will aim to reduce the risk of drought, i.e. reduce economic, social and environmental losses. The implementation of the document is the responsibility of the national and local government administration bodies and the State Water Management Polish Waters. However, each of us can and should participate in counteracting the effects of drought, saving water and respecting it.