
Types of drought – how to recognize the threat?

Drought is one of the most serious natural phenomena that can have catastrophic consequences for the environment, agriculture, and economy. Simply put, it is a long-term shortage of rainfall, which leads to a disruption of the water balance. However, drought does not always look the [...]

Work on the first update of the drought prevention plan is gaining momentum!

A survey on the issue of drought in Poland and actions to counteract its effects will begin soon. At the same time, preparations are already underway for the second nationwide conference “Stop the Drought! Start Retention!” State Water Holding – Polish Waters is counting on [...]

World Wetlands Day 2025

World Wetlands Day, celebrated annually on the 2nd of February, was established in 1997 by the Ramsar Convention Secretariat. This year’s theme is “Protecting Wetlands for Our Common Future.”


State Water Holding Polish Waters

European Drought Observatory

The IT Country Protection System – drought plan

Water Shortage Prevention Program

Water Management Plans

The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management drought portal

PFRA, FHM, FRM – maps

Agricultural Drought Monitoring System

Flood Risk Management Plans

Government Centre for Security – daily report