Public consultations on the DECP project lasted from August 15, 2019 to February 15, 2020. As part of the six-month process, consultation meetings were organized in 15 cities throughout Poland.

The people who took part in the survey conducted for the project in December 2018 were invited to take part in the public consultations, alongside local government units, government administration, research institutes, state research institutes, and non-governmental organizations.

Nearly 1,200 people participated in all consultation meetings of the DECP project. In addition to the registered participants, representatives of the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation (currently the Ministry of Infrastructure) and Polish Waters, as well as a large group of journalists (118 people), also participated in the meetings.

A total of 328 entities, institutions, and individuals submitted comments and motions in the DECP project consultations. Distinguishing between the three main groups of participants: the most numerous comments were submitted by name (individuals) – a total of 130, as well as representatives of local government – ​​a total of 129, the fewest comments and motions were submitted by representatives of the business world – a total of 62 participants.

In all, 843 comments and motions were submitted. The manner in which the issues submitted were considered is presented in the table below.

Method of considering comments and motions

Number of comments and motions

taken into account


partly taken into account




not taken into account


The topics of the comments identified included issues related to:

– broadly understood education (including in particular that of farmers)
– management of rainwater and meltwater
– rrigation for agricultural purposes
– land improvement
– natural retention
– artificial retention
– drought monitoring
– maintenance works
– activities of water companies
– climate change
– activities in areas with water shortages

The comments and motions to the DECP project addressed the following issues:

– legislative changes
– changes in the use of water resources
– financial issues related to counteracting the effects of drought

Qualitative analysis of the content of the comments and motions made it possible to assign the comments and motions to individual parts of the document, and later to a specific action or investment.

The table of consideration of comments and motions together with the report on the public consultations can be found HERE